Enterprise View Point

by-Tabish Sangrar, - CIO, Wellness Forever Medicare Private Limited
Technological advances made over the last decade have been so rapid and significant that the resultant... more>>
by-Bill Kohler, -CIO Americas, International SOS
The role of the CIO today is very much different today vs. back in Y2K. Technology has moved from a... more>>
The Job of Cyber security is Presently Addressed as an Additional Duty
Cybersecurity is an IT voice/data network vertical that keeps some CIO’s awake at night. The history of the office of the CIO has evolved over time. Early on, the CIO ran... more>>
The Modern Day Entrepreneurial Security
Right from an individual to an indus­try, the advent of digitization has disrupted the way we live. A chan­nel, nowadays, experiences more cash flow, every time a newly... more>>
New Defensive Measures against Hackers
I am often asked how my role as CIO has changed over the past few years with rapidly evolving technology advances, increasing regulation and the constant need for new and better... more>>
The Digital Toolkit: What CIOs Need to Survive in the Digital Economy
We all know what the digital economy means – an explosion of data, brilliant new ideas and upstart companies with disruptive concepts winning market share from traditional industries. However, you can have all the great ideas... more>>
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