ERP Insight

Two Innovative Ways that ICT can Create Value
Computers have done more to transform work than any other innovation of the last 100 years. The... more>>
POS Security - A Growing Priority for Retailers
Headquartered in Mumbai, CyberPlat is an integrated electronic payment processing and... more>>
 Enterprise Security-Prevention is better than cure
In today’s fast paced technology, data security & IT governance are key concerns and... more>>
Moving towards an Intelligent, Networked and Boundary less World
Over the last few years there has been a lot of talk around buzzwords such as Smart Cities, SMAC (Social Mobility Analytics and Cloud), Internet of Things (IoT), among others. These technology... more>>
by-Nitin Singhal, Senior Director, CX Solutions, Oracle India-,
Organizations operate today in an era of the empowered customer and in a competitive environment ... more>>
by-Virender Jeet, Senior Vice President-Technology, Newgen Software Inc.-,
  BPM products have evolved significantly over the last decade. The technology has not on... more>>
by-Suneet Saxena, CTO, Religare Securities Ltd.-,
There have been lot of emphasis laid by the organizations to be mobile ready and the challenges t... more>>
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