Latest ERP Insight Magazine - ERP Software Technologies

July - 2016 issue

Cover Story

Deepshikha Singh ePaathsala : Powering the Right Choice!
As the world of education gets more exciting with different courses and specializations, students only have to pick the right college that grooms them for their passion.

In My Opinion

Battling the Enemy Within

The world moves swiftly; the IT security world even more so. Just a couple of years ago, securing the enterprise would basically consist of protecting an organization from external  more >>

20 Most Promising Education Software and Solutions Providers

ERP Insights Team Efficacious: Restructuring Education System with ERP Solutions
By ERP Insights Team
With the stupendous growth in educational sector, academic institutions are becoming increasingly complex.  more >>

ERP Insights Team Iolite Technologies: Delivering Accurate, Convenient & Performance Driven Education ERP Solutions
By ERP Insights Team
A decade ago, implementation of ERP in education sector was a distant reality in India. However, with the massive advancements in technology, education sector players are keen to  more >>

ERP Insights Team Mindcom: Easy to Customize ERP Systems
By ERP Insights Team
The education sector around the globe now is developing and expanding quite rapidly. The sector has grown to be a great service sector where global  more >>

ERP Insights Team MKT Softwares: Advanced Software Solutions beyond Expectations
By ERP Insights Team
With the tremendous growth in the educational sector, operating an educational institute is turning out to be an extremely complex task.  more >>

ERP Insights Team Rank Software & Consultancy: Enhancing the Ease of Remote Education
By ERP Insights Team
Higher Educational institutes in India are called upon by the Government to make cost cutting decisions regarding the courses offered, number of students allowed in classrooms  more >>

CEO Insights

Anish Williams How APIs Drive Digital Business
By Anish Williams
Digital businesses, as we know, is transforming rapidly.  more >>

CIO Insights

Deepak Agarwal K12 Education and Technology - Challenges and Opportunities in a Connected World
By Deepak Agarwal
The marriage of technology and education would seem to be a natural fit - transform schools to the digital classroom  more >>

Anjani Kumar Estimating the Impact of Next Generation ERP in Logistics Management
By Anjani Kumar
ERP (Enterprise Resource planning) has been the core software application for most companies for last 15-20 years.  more >>

Pranav Dalal, The State of Business in Light of Technological Advancements
By Pranav Dalal,
You place an order for your favorite item on a shopping site.  more >>

CXO Insights

Kumar Shanmugam, Cloud powered ERP for the SME Market
By Kumar Shanmugam,
Today's business environment is probably the most dynamic one that any business has faced.  more >>

Amul Merchant Measuring Cloud Readiness of Enterprise Applications
By Amul Merchant
Most organizations have application development teams that are very good at meeting the functional needs of  more >>

Sandeep Kumar Panda 7 ERP Implementation Tips for Schools and Colleges
By Sandeep Kumar Panda
Are you a brand new user of ERP system for your school or college?  more >>
